77 Grenadians Receive Scholarship Awards Valued in Excess of EC $13 Million

ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, NOV. 30, 2021 – Seventy-seven Grenadians are now recipients of scholarships awards to pursue studies locally and internationally, following a virtual award ceremony on November 30, 2021.
Thirty-five students were awarded undergraduate scholarships forstudy in the field of arts and science at St. George’s University, in areas such as accounting and finance, biology, business management, information technology, international business, management, marine wildlife conservation, psychology, sociology and tourism and hospitality management.
There were also 16 SGU graduate awards in the fields of clinical community psychology, education, international business, multi-sector health management and public health. Scholarships awarded for study at SGU are valued at a total cost of $10, 036, 795.00.
Colin Dowe, Associate Dean of Admissions at SGU, wished all recipients the best in their study and encouraged them to contribute to nation building.
The People’s Republic of China awarded seven undergraduate scholarships in the areas of fine arts; engineering in the fields of architecture, geomatics engineering and energy and power engineering; marketing; psychology and medicine, specifically physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Two awards were also presented for medical specialization in the field of internal medicine.
All scholarships from the People’s Republic of China are valued at EC $2, 067, 450.75.
His Excellency, Ambassador Wei Hongtian, who shared that 36 years ago he was a scholarship awardee studying in Africa, said, “Today, I would like to confirm that the Chinese Government Scholarship Program will continue to offer 15 full scholarships to Grenadian students in 2022. In fact, actual offers of scholarships by China are more than the announced figures. It is my sincere hope that more Grenadian candidates will be qualified for furthering their studies in China.”
He encouraged all the awardees to treasure the opportunity, study hard and achieve academic excellence to further the development of Grenada.
There were also 12 economic cost bursary awards in the sum of EC $191, 977 presented to students pursuing studies at the University of the West Indies, in the fields of accounting, biochemistry, chemistry, civil with environmental engineering, diagnostic imaging, exercise sports science, literatures in English, mathematics, political science, psychology and sociology.
Three students were awarded undergraduate scholarships valued at EC $689, 150.25 to pursue studies in Romania in the areas of economics and international affairs, psychology and informatics (computer science).
Additionally, the Organization of American States presented two scholarships, valued at EC $108, 102, in the areas of welding and fabrication and hospitality management.
On behalf of the Government of Grenada, the Minister for Education, Human Resource Development, Religious Affairs and Information, Hon. Emmalin Pierre, thanked all stakeholders for their continued partnership, to facilitate the provision of scholarships and the advancement of human resource development in Grenada.
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