Central Statistics Office to Conduct Telephone Surveys Instead of Face to Face Interviews During COVID-19 Lockdown
The Central Statistical Office (CSO) is soliciting the full cooperation of Grenadians as it plans to embark on household survey interviews via the telephone during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Traditionally, the survey is conducted through face to face interviews. However, with the physical distancing required by the regulations, the CSO is pressing ahead with alternative means to get the job done.
The Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economic Development and Physical Development has underscored the importance of quality Statistics even in times of crisis. As such, the Central Statistical Office plans to incorporate questions in the national labour force survey questionnaire and future surveys which would allow for the measurement of the economic impact of COVID19.
People from households that have been randomly selected to participate in such surveys, are being asked to give continued support by allowing the interviewers to complete all interviews using the telephone.
The CSO assures the general public that the information provided will be handled with the strictest confidentiality as mandated by our Statistics Act.
The CSO is responsible for providing government and other regional and international policy makers and planners with the socio-economic data that will chart the way forward for the nation’s recovery from this crisis. It is therefore important that certain core activities of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) continue to work in the best interest of Grenada.
For further information or verification of the identity of any of CSO interviewers, please call the office at 423-2005 or email cso@cso.gov.gd.
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