CEO Lauds Minimum Wage Trend in Caribbean; Says It Indicates Economic Turnaround

A recruitment executive is lauding the recent spate of minimum wage hikes trending throughout the Caribbean, noting that it’s a welcome change for residents but also a potential sign of economic turnaround after two gruelling years.
“I’m sure the impacted residents all feel that this has been a long time coming,” says Joseph Boll, CEO of Caribbean Employment Services Inc., a market-leading digital talent acquisition service. “Most regional governments who have made such a move have also said it’s to counteract the rising cost of living, which certainly can’t be understated.
“But for a region whose economies were mostly disrupted by the pandemic, and its impact on tourism, the fact that governments are able to still commit to wage increases is a very promising sign.”
Many CARICOM member states, along with other Caribbean nations, either increased minimum wages for the public or private sector, revealed that they are in discussions to do so, or moved to implement minimum wages for the first time, just within the past year.
Among the most recent is The Bahamas, which moved to up its minimum wage for the first time since 2015. That nation’s minimum wage is now $260 per week, with their dollar being just about on par with USD. Not long before, Bermuda moved to set its minimum wage for between $16 and $16.40, making it among the world’s highest-paid as Bermuda’s dollar is also on par with USD.
Boll continues, “As an organization that aims to help companies attract the top talent, and at the same time help jobseekers find their ideal role, better wages will always be welcome news to Caribbean Employment Services Inc. It’s even better to know that the region’s economy is making a strong comeback, and it’s fair to expect that higher wages will stimulate the economy as people are able to buy more and give the economy a boost. “We hope this trend continues and we encourage jobseekers and employers alike to make full use of the online resources available to them through sites like ours.”
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