CHORES Group Returns to Grenada

Chores Support Grenada is pleased to announce the arrival of the CHORES team to our shores after a two-year hiatus precipitated by the COVID crisis. The last project, arranged for Spring 2020, was canceled as we approached lockdown.
Over the two-plus-year period, CHORES continued to provide cardiology clinics through its telemedicine unit housed at the pediatric ward, General Hospital. The team provided over three hundred visits to date via the unit. Gratis surgical repairs also continued at Wolfson Children’s Hospital Jacksonville, Florida.
We are pleased to welcome two cardiology teams (Adults with congenital lesions and pediatrics) along with a genetic team, to Grenada, with clinics to start on Monday, 23rd May 2022, at the Kirani James Athletics Stadium.
All patients are already scheduled for the three-day pediatric clinic and the one-week adult clinic. Walk In’s cannot be accommodated at this time.
We are grateful for the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Health, the General Hospital’s administrative team, St. George’s University School of Medicine, University Club, Digicel, Avis (Spice isle) car rental, Sea Breeze Hotel, Grenada Bottling Co. Ltd, Glenelg, Aquarium restaurant, Island Catering and many more who continue to make this a reality.
We will have a larger project in September 2022, when we will welcome an even larger team.
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