Co-op Bank and Ministry of Health Share Progress of Carlton Home with Corporate Benefactors. More Help Needed!

In March of this year, Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd. announced its initiative for support of the Carlton Home project, an organization which provides care, counselling and rehabilitation for alcohol and substance abusers. As a reminder, the bank committed to donating one dollar per each mile walked by registered ‘Pump It Up’ participants at their annual event. The Initial benefactors, present at this occasion, who committed to partnering with the bank were Jonas Browne & Hubbard, Guardian General Insurance (OECS) Ltd and Flow Grenada.
On Sept 27th, 2017, the bank took the opportunity to engage further corporate interest as well as to ask for continued support from its initial benefactors for 2017, by arranging a round table discussion and update forum, at the Coyaba Beach Resort, as they commence preparations for their 2018 event. Present to give the updates and progression reports were Mr. Richard Duncan – Managing Director of Co-op Bank, Ms. Samica Roberts, Marketing Officer (Ag), Co-op Bank and Dr. Sonia Nixon MD MPH, from the Ministry of Health.
In her presentation to the benefactors Dr. Nixon stressed the importance of multi-sectorial collaboration to ensure that projects such as the Carlton Home can remain sustainable. She noted that since destruction of the 16- bed facility in 2006, there has been no fixed locale for the home, although there have been limited rehabilitation facilities housed at Mt Gay.
In terms of progress made to date, she was able to share that the former nurses hostel in Mirabeau, St. Andrew, has been identified, tested and considered fit for rehabilitation, as a physical location for the Carlton Home. The planned phases of refurbishment include a final count of approx. 40 beds and 11 bathrooms, for residents in treatment, and required support staff, with an estimated cost of just over 2.6 million ECD.
Co-op Bank has committed to 5 years of ‘Pump It Up’ proceeds being donated to the project, which it chose as its major sustainable initiative, in recognition of the unenviable high incidence of substance abuse amongst the population of Grenada.
Managing Director of Guardian General Insurance (OECS) Ltd. Mr. Ronald Hughes was one of the 2017 benefactors, present at the meeting. He stated. “Our Company very much appreciates the fact that the Grenada Co-operative Bank and the Min of Health, have seen fit to keep us updated with progress of the project. This level of transparency and discussion is a major factor in procuring and retaining corporate affiliates to the project. At Guardian, we are pleased to be able to commit to sponsoring this initiative for another year, and look forward to the well-organized efforts of the bank in gaining increased numbers of participants for ‘Pump It Up’, 2018”
Jonas Browne & Hubbard also re-committed for the 2018 event and the bank looks forward to welcoming additional corporate entities to partner with them in supporting the progress of the Carlton Home.
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