Conference of Churches in Grenada on Current Covid Crisis
Statement Re: The Corona Virus Crisis Now Facing The Nation
- The Conference of Churches in Grenada joins the rest of the nation in expressing our concern for Grenada as the COVID crisis has entered a different, more dangerous, phase.
- While differing theories exist about Covid-19 and vaccine, we must not let them distract us from the serious challenge of confronting this threat to the nation’s health and to the lives of our citizens.
- We reaffirm our commitment to the protocols already established, i.e., the proper wearing of masks, physical distancing, temperature checks, sanitizing of hands and surfaces, the avoidance of crowds, especially for long periods of time.
- We recognize the value of limiting person-to-person contact. Therefore, we propose that for the coming weekend, we discourage the vulnerable from attendance and strictly adhere to the protocols. If the current trend remains dangerously high, we ask our churches to suspend inperson services for the two or three weeks following. Each church will determine how it worships virtually. People with chronic underlying health conditions are strongly urged to restrict their movements.
- We recommend that the limitation on numbers at funerals and weddings be strictly enforced without any exemptions or special allowances until further notice.
- The same collaboration that is being asked of the churches must be sought from all sectors of the society. We must seek an approach of national unity in this matter.
- It has been indicated that vaccinations against COVID-19 help lessen the severity of illness, so we recommend that individuals, especially parents and caregivers, make an informed decision about taking the vaccination.
- With deep gratitude we commend the frontline workers of Grenada: those at hospitals, health care centers, RGPF, homes for the aged, sanitation workers, teachers and other essential service workers.
- The CCG recognizes that the Government has the information necessary to make the best decision for safeguarding the health of our Nation. We stand ready to support decisive action in the best interest of all our citizens.
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