COVID-19 Cases Continue to Rise Exponentially

St. George: September 7, 2021: The number of COVID-19 cases in Grenada continues to rise exponentially. Statistics from the Ministry of Health reveal that as of 9:00 p.m. on September 6, 2021, the island recorded a total of 1,473 confirmed cases.
During the past week, the number of new cases ranged between 78 and 281 daily, with 231 new cases recorded on Monday.
At present, there are 1,194 active cases, with only nine of these being imported.
Females account for the majority of the cases, 54%, with 46% being males. Those who have tested positive for the virus, range in age from two months to 92-years old.
The majority of the cases are persons between 18 and 60 years of age, with 10% under 18 years and 6%, above 60.
The Ministry of Health reminds persons that while the vaccine will not prevent persons from contracting or spreading the virus, it reduces the severity of any symptoms and lessens the likelihood of hospitalisation and even death.
COVID-19 cases have been recorded in all parishes and on the sister island of Carriacou. Fourteen cases have been recorded in Carriacou thus far.
A total of 1,194 persons are currently in isolation, having had some form of contact or exposure to a confirmed positive case. A further 560 persons are in quarantine.
The Ministry of Health is continuing its vaccination programme, administering the two vaccines which are available locally. To date, 27,046 persons have received their first dose and 19,483 persons have received both doses and are considered fully vaccinated.
The statistics further show that 4,155 persons have received the first dose of Pfizer and 56 persons, the second dose. For Astrazeneca, 22,891 have received their first dose and 19,427 their second dose.
Vaccine administration by parish shows 72.9% of the total doses administered in St. George, 8.4% in St. Andrew, 3.8% in St. David, 5.2% in St. Patrick, 4.6% in St. John and St. Mark and 5.1% in Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Comparatively, Grenada has one of the lowest rates of vaccination among CARICOM member states. Statistics published by Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in late August, show St. Kitts and Nevis at the top with 39%, Antigua and Barbuda with 34%, Barbados 32%, and Trinidad and Tobago and Dominica with 28%.
Four countries are recorded with rates lower than Grenada – the Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica and Haiti.
With regard to testing, health officials have conducted 62,307 RT-PCR tests to date.
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