COVID-19 Update
Today, Saturday, April 25th, the Ministry of Health announce the laboratory confirmation of three additional positive cases of COVID-19 on mainland Grenada.
To date, there has been a total of 18 positive cases, of which 17 are on Island. Seven have now been medically cleared; seven others are active, and now we have three new cases.
There are still several results still pending. So far, we have conducted a total of approximately 175 PCR tests, and in excess of 1000 rapid tests, representing different sectors of the population.
The first positive individual today, is a female, age 50. She is an import-related case, and, is what is known as an asymptomatic carrier. She has displayed no symptoms, to date.
The other two individuals are males; ages 62 and 59. Those two individuals were found through contact tracing in the workplace of the 15th case that we confirmed on Wednesday.
Please #StayHome
+ Wash your hands
+ Wear a face mask
+ Maintain 6-foot distance
Source: Ministry of Health Grenada
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