CPEA 2023 Press Release
The final (external) component of the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) is scheduled for Thursday 4th and Friday 5th May, 2023. One thousand, eight hundred and seventy- seven (1,877) students are registered for the assessment from seventy (70) schools. These include one thousand and thirty (1,030) males and eight hundred and forty-seven (847) females. In 2022, one thousand, eight hundred and four (1,804) students were registered; nine hundred and fifty-five (955) were males and eight hundred and forty -nine (849) were females.
The assessment commences at 9:00 a.m. and will be conducted in fifty-four (54) centres throughout Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique. All students are expected to finish the examination by 12:15 p.m. each day.
CPEA will be opened to all students who are eleven (11) years of age on or before September 1st, 2023. It will consist of four (4) multiple choice papers in the following areas:
- Mathematics (50 items)
- Language Arts (50 items)
- Science (50 items)
- Social Studies (50 items)
Each paper will be seventy-five (75) minutes duration. Table 1 reflects the schedule for the examination.

NB: No mobile telephones and other electronic devices would be allowed at the examination centres. Electronic calculators are forbidden. Candidates should bring along HB, 3B or 2B pencils to answer multiple choice questions.
Before the Examination
- Get to bed early the night before the examination. Remember, your brain and body need sleep to function well.
- Do not skip breakfast on the morning of the examination. Fresh fruits and vegetables are often recommended to reduce stress.
- Parents need to encourage their children and provide positive feedback that will help them to relax before the examination. It is important for parents to remain calm and positive even when their children feel anxious, to build students’ confidence.
- Get to school or your centre early on the morning of the Examination
- Display a positive attitude
- Manage your anxiety by breathing slowly to calm down During the Examination
- Read the instructions carefully. Make sure you are shading answers correctly and that the number you are shading corresponds to the question number.
- Manage your time wisely.
- If you go blank, skip the question and move on.
- Do not get worried or frustrated if a problem seems tricky. Re-read the question to make sure you understand it. Do not panic.
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