CSIRT Gnd Alert – Fake Facebook Profile Purporting to Belong to Governor General, Dame Cécile La Grenade

January 02, 2023 – The Grenada National Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT Gnd) wishes to inform the public of a fake Facebook profile purporting to belong to Governor General, Dame Cécile La Grenade. This account, Ceciliagrenade000, is currently being used to phish unsuspecting Facebookers while seeking to give legitimacy to a grant scam.
The current account is a repurposed fake account that was previously impersonating Linda Thomas Greenfield. (Thomas-Greenfield is the United States ambassador to the United Nations).
The public is hereby warned about sharing personal information online without first verifying the entity requesting same and being very cautious about sending money to people they do not know and have not verified.
Anyone needing assistance insofar as verifying content or offers found online, or for general online safety information and advice can reach out to the National Cyber Security Incident Response Team on WhatsApp and Telegram on (473) 423-2478; via email at csirtgnd@gov.gd; or on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @csirtgnd.
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