Demands Heightened Vigilance Against Child Sexual Abuse
GNCRC looks forward to 2018 as a year in which our nation’s children are cherished, cared for, protected and encouraged in their homes, schools and communities.
We therefore encourage, support and recognise the efforts of parents, guardians, teachers, caregivers, social workers, community police and law enforcement officers, medical personnel and policy makers responsible for children’s care, health, education and protection. They are all responsible for ensuring that our children grow to realise their true potential in safe and healthy environments.
However, the year has begun with the stark reminder that the ugly behaviour of child sexual abuse is growing right along with our children as we had a national report of a sexual assault on minors.
GNCRC calls on all parents, family members and communities to be vigilant in the protection and care of the nation’s children.
Further our umbrella organisation is calling on the Child Protection Authority (CPA) and the National Committee on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, to make sure that they fully implement all of their protocols, and get enough social workers and counsellors to reach the nation’s at-risk homes and communities in order to educate everyone about the importance of protecting the nation’s children and healing where there has been abuse.
Emphasis must be firmly placed on protecting children within their homes, schools and communities. There must also be the responses of detecting, reporting and punishing these crimes to the full extent of the law.
GNCRC is, therefore, calling on the judiciary to continue to deal condignly with the perpetrators of child sexual abuse and not be soft on this crime. Law makers are urged to strengthen the laws punishing sexual offenders. We await the full implementation of a Sexual Offenders Registry and other legal safeguards for our nations’ children during 2018.
GNCRC anxiously awaits the full implementation of the broad based national Committee tasked with focusing on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and expects it to get out into the hotspots and communities to find out the reasons for the extent of this problem and provide solid recommendations which would lead to practical solutions to arrest this problem in our society.
GNCRC wishes every child an environment in which he or she can thrive, in 2018 and beyond.
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