Four New Cases of COVID-19 Recorded in Grenada
The Ministry of Health has recorded four new positive cases of COVID-19 in Grenada. It is important to note that three of those cases are consistent with the transmission of the disease, given the proximity of contact between them and previously reported positive cases.
Case 38 is a female, who arrived in Grenada from the USA on November 15th, and has been quarantined since.
Cases 39 and 40 are male and female, ages 59 and 56. They are the two other people who have been quarantined on the yacht off the coast of Carriacou with Cases 35 and 36.
Case 41 is the son of Case 33, who was a close contact of Cases 31 and 32.
These four new cases, as well as the seven reported previously, have all been in quarantine, and tested as per Grenada’s protocols.
The Ministry continues to be encouraged by the level of diligence and vigilance displayed by the frontline team, including health professionals, Royal Grenada Police Force, Contact Tracers and the Airport and Seaport staff, who continue to exercise their duties with the highest levels of due diligence, care, attention and patriotism. Together, they actively protect Grenada’s borders; enforce quarantine orders and aggressively source contacts, if there is external exposure.
It is through the efforts of the frontline team that the Ministry can report that all eleven active cases are imported or import-related, and there is currently no evidence of local or community spread in the Tri-Island State of Grenada.
Despite this heartening fact, the Ministry of Health continues to review and tighten its procedures to meet the ever-changing and demanding nature of COVID-19. The public must also continue to exercise caution and observe the health and safety guidelines from the experts, because the virus is unpredictable. At any moment, any breach or public exposure to the virus can have potentially devastating effects on our population.
Let us always keep in mind that we have lost more than one hundred Grenadian brothers and sisters in the United States, United Kingdom, and other places, due to COVID-19. In the United States, over 250,000 lives have already been lost to this dreadful disease. That is almost two and a half times the population of Grenada. Stay alert. Be compliant.
The safety measures continuously promoted by the Ministry are the most effective means of protection against COVID-19. Recent data from the World Health Organization show that if 95% of the people around the world wear masks or face coverings over the nose and mouth, there would likely be no need for lockdowns. Imagine how much more controlled the spread of the virus would be if everyone were to also practice good hygiene, ensure physical distancing of at least six feet from others who are not in their households, avoid large gatherings, and comply with quarantine and isolation measures, as mandated.
The battle against COVID-19 is one that can be won if we all do our part.
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