G.U.T. Credit Union Awards 22 TAMCC Scholarships for the 2020 Academic Year

St. George, Grenada – October 7, 2020 – The G.U.T. Cooperative Credit Union has awarded twenty-two scholarships to students pursuing their education at the T.A. Marryshow Community College.
General Manager, Mrs. Retesha Boyd, noted that since 2012, the credit union has been awarding 10 TAMCC scholarships but decided to increase the amount in light of the additional constraints that the 2020 pandemic brought. “We understand the exceptional challenge that families are facing in these times and are committed to providing a helping hand whenever we can. The G.U.T. Credit Union is here for you”, she stated.

Minister for Youth, Honourable Kate Lewis, addressed the students and encouraged them to never give up despite what challenges may appear in life, and to always strive for excellence in order to make themselves and their parents proud. A strong supporter of education, the GUTCU is actively involved in providing financial support to students and learning institutions across the tri-island state. This year alone, the credit union has invested over $74,000 in grants and scholarships for students at both the secondary and tertiary levels.
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