GCA Elects New Executive

ST. GEORGE’S –November 25, 2018 – On Saturday 24th November 2018, The Grenada Cricket Association held its biennial general meeting at the National Cricket Stadium. Delegates representing the various Councils, which makes up the Association meet at discussed the business of the Association.
The meeting received reports from the Secretary of the Association Norman Gilbert, who reported on the affairs and achievement of GCA over the two-year period (April 2016 – March 31, 2018) under review. The other reported presented on the day was by Rupert Holas (Treasurer) who gave an overview of the finances of the Association.
The highlight of the meeting was the election of a new executive to manage the affairs of the association for the next two years. Based on a motion moved and seconded on the floor by delegates the outgoing executive was returned to office “en bloc” by acclamation.
The new Executive of the Grenada Cricket Association is comprised of the following officers:
Dwain Gill President
Anderson Noel 1st Vice President
Johnson Richardson 2nd Vice President
Norman Gilbert Secretary
Kerry Frank Assistant Secretary
Paulette Bolah Hankey Assistant Secretary
Rupert Holas Treasurer
Parish representatives who will be nominated by the various councils to represent their interest will complete the Executive.
The re-elected President Dwain Gill thanked the delegates for their continued faith in the Executive and highlighted the key priority areas of the Association in moving forward.
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