General Elections Results

June 23, 2022
The Office of the Supervisor of Elections takes the opportunity to share with the general public the official results of the General Elections subsequent to the final count on June 24, 2022.
The Results are as follows:
Constituency | Candidates | Party |
Carriacou and Petite Martinique | Tevin Camilloh Andrews | NDC |
St. Andrew South East | Emmalin Celena Pierre | NNP |
St. Andrew South West | Lennox John Andrews | NDC |
St. Andrew North East | Kate Lewis-Peters | NNP |
St. Andrew North West | Delma Thomas | NNP |
St. David | Dickon Amiss Thomas Mitchell | NDC |
Town of St. George | Charles Peter David | NNP |
St. George North East | Ron Livingston Redhead | NDC |
St. George North West | Keith Claudius Mitchell | NNP |
St. George South East | Phillip Alfred Telesford | NDC |
St. George South | Andy Joseph Williams | NDC |
St. John | Kerryne Zennelle Kenneale James | NDC |
St. Mark | Clarice Modeste-Curwen | NNP |
St. Patrick East | Dennis Sylvester Matthew- Cornwall | NDC |
St. Patrick West | Joseph Andall | NDC |
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