GHTA’S Let’s Talk Vax Forum Held at Mt. Cinnamon Hotel

The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) held a forum entitled, “Let’s Talk Vax” at Mount Cinnamon Hotel on Tuesday, May 11th 2021. Let’s Talk Vax is part of GHTA’s public education initiative within the hospitality sector that is designed to assist employers with staff education regarding COVID- 19 vaccines. This initiative gives staff an opportunity to voice their questions and concerns regarding vaccines in a safe and informal environment. At the forum, staff were afforded the opportunity to have a dialogue with Ms. Arlene Friday, CEO of the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association and Dr. Bert Brathwaite, Chairman of the COVID Sub- Health Committee.
According to Chief Executive Officer of GHTA, Arlene Friday, “Public hesitancy towards COVID- 19 vaccines is born out of multi-faceted fears and sensitivities. Therefore, it takes a multi-pronged approach to address a cross-section of the population. It is imperative that we meet people where they are and employ grassroots methods to both listen and understand where people are coming from in order to effectively educate. The GHTA recognizes the value of informed decision making while also understanding the urgency of immunizing frontline workers.” She also stated, “Many of our hospitality workers may not realize the level of risk they face daily and that the decisions they make not only impact their workplace but their families, communities and the rest of the nation. Choosing to make an informed decision about getting vaccinated, is ultimately a choice for Grenada.”
Dr. Bert Brathwaite stated, “Employees may be tired of being lectured to. So, therefore, he has chosen to give workers the opportunity to get information in a question-and-answer format instead” Dr. Braithwaite explained the various risks related to the COVID-19 virus and variants while also dispelling myths and rumours about the vaccine. He stated, “If you have any underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, cancer, lupus, etc. or are overweight, you should rush and get vaccinated. These categories are most at risk of suffering severe complications from COVID-19. No longer are the elderly population the only group that are vulnerable. Currently, many 30-year-old individuals have died in neighbouring countries as close as Trinidad.”
As the tourism sector begins to reopen, it becomes increasingly necessary for frontline hospitality workers to remain safe and protected. Emerging variants have already been identified in the Caribbean region furthering the need for urgent public awareness and education. As a result, GHTA’s grassroot campaign is aimed at increasing public confidence and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and overcoming hesitancy. Ms. Friday states “Ultimately it is for the safety of our workplace, our families, our communities, ourselves and for Grenada that will drive us. And public education is the key.”
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