GPSCCU Now Ariza Credit Union
Your Financial Freedom, Your Future
Grenada’s largest credit union – in terms of assets and capital base – has rebranded and now does business under the name, Ariza.
The Grenada Public Service Co-operative Credit Union’s (GPSCCU) name-change was unveiled on December 4 at a gala ceremony, with Chief Executive Officer Lucia Livingston-Andall explaining the significance of the new Ariza Credit Union brand.
“As a metaphor, the Ariza Credit Union brand promotes upward movement, rising and ascension to financial freedom and towards future success,’’ she said. “The name represents nurturing, care and support and emphasizes the importance of members being at the heart of everything that makes up Ariza Credit Union.’’
Ariza, with headquarters on Bruce Street in St George’s and sub-offices in Carriacou and in Grenville in St Andrew, will continue the leadership role in the credit union and wider co-operative sector for which the GPSCCU has become known, Livingston-Andall promised.
The new approach to member care and engagement is deeply rooted in “passion’’ for several things, the CEO said. They include passion for progress and the wellbeing of credit union members, as well as an evolution for reaching for financial freedom and higher levels of member satisfaction.
The Ariza logo and colours, which are turquoise and orange Turquoise, in the logo, represents, “wisdom and protection,’’ Mrs. Livingston-Andall said. “Deep orange is radiant, energetic and symbolizes rejuvenation, optimism and vibrancy. We are a credit union and therefore we hold firmly to our credit union traditions. The traditional hands and globe logo will continue to feature prominently in what we do. Ariza complements not replaces our traditional values.’’
Ariza combines two words to form the single credit union name, with a pledge that credit union members’ experience and interaction with the organization will include hope, satisfaction, inclusiveness and happiness.
“The ARIZA name was developed to sound like the words rising and horizon – two distinct symbols with the connotations of reaching above and beyond. The stylized “I” in the logo represents a person: we are seeking to develop the credit union one member at a time, with a focus on the individual,’’ said Mrs. Livingston-Andall. “The remaining letters are there to envelop our credit union membership, which stands at the heart or center of ARIZA. We strive to support and protect them in this capacity, and act as a solid foundation from which they will rise to financial success.’’
Mrs. Livingston-Andall described the rebranding as a “rebirth’’ of the GPSCCU, saying it’s the result “of a recognition of the changing faces of our membership, in terms of age, preferences and lifestyles’’.
GPSCCU’s founding-members, she said, “were persons who were based in the public service. Our future members are everyone who share the core values from which we sprung and identify with our vision. We are cognizant of the need to keep in-tune and in-touch with the pulse of our membership and our population; to be forward-thinking and proactive about meeting their needs, facilitating their growth, and helping them to realize their dreams for themselves and their loved ones’’.
Smile, live, laugh, excellence, integrity and vision are themes displayed on the walls of Ariza Credit Union’s three business operating centres.
“These are reminders to our staff of our promise to our members, and also provide a happy environment in which to be productive,’’ Mrs. Livingston-Andall said.
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