Grenada Accelerates its Move Toward a Sustainable Cooling Industry
A stakeholder meeting will be held on 18 July 2018 for the representatives of the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector, during which consultant John Telesford will present the key findings of his inventory for the sector.
The consultancy was contracted under the Global programme “Cool Contribution fighting Climate Change” (C4), which is implemented in Grenada by the National Ozone Unit (NOU) in the Energy Division of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Public Utilities, Energy, Transport & Implementation and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The project aim is to encourage the use of energy-efficient refrigeration and AC equipment using environmentally-friendly and natural refrigerants.
The inventory gathered data on the stock and sales of the Grenadian RAC sector, specific data for appliances in each of the sub-sectors (domestic, commercial, industrial and mobile refrigeration) and an overview of different technologies installed in the country in the different cooling sub-sectors.
It is hoped that the outcome of the inventory will enable the project to develop mitigation scenario and projections in order to provide hands-on advice to the government on how to reduce the energy and refrigerant consumption in the RAC sector.
In addition to disclosing the findings of the inventory, the workshop aims at informing stakeholders about cooling appliances’ impact on the refrigerant and energy consumption, and identify together with them low-hanging fruits and key priorities to mitigate climate change in the RAC sector. To achieve this, Irene Papst, a technical consultant with HEAT (a German consulting firm that provides expert advice to act globally against climate change and to protect the ozone layer) will present on “Emission scenarios in Grenada’s RAC sector” and “Legal and regulatory tools for greening Grenada’s RAC sector”. Group work will follow to obtain the industry’s feedback and contribution towards potential solutions.
Ms. Patricia Clarke, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Public Utilities, Energy, Transport & Implementation will give the opening remarks to this workshop.
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