Grenada Cancer and Pink Ribbon Societies Receive Much Needed Funds!

St. George’s, Grenada, February 9th, 2022. Fundraising activities, including, gatherings and scheduled annual ‘walks’, for cancer awareness have been a challenge for a number of organisations during the last two years. However, to their merit this has not stopped Grenada’s corporate community from seeking alternatives routes to support this worthy cause.
The Pink Ribbon Society said their volunteer numbers have been reduced during COVID, for all the associated reasons, however, they still pressed on with supporting patients, assisting with treatment costs, as well as giving practical and moral support by providing snacks and company for patients on Oncology Clinic days.
President of the Pink Ribbon Society, Raulda Chetram appealed; “if there are any persons who are able to volunteer some of their time to assist us, even just sitting with patients to offer moral and emotional support, it will make a huge difference. If your time or circumstances allow we would really love to hear from you. Naturally we are also deeply appreciative of any funds donated to us, which are used towards assisting cancer patients, raising awareness and garnering further support for them,” she concluded.
Both the Grenada Cancer and Pink Ribbon Societies were recipients of an equal amount of funds, which totaled $16,400 ECD, from CIBC FirstCaribbean, the proceeds of last year’s Walk for the Cure 10th anniversary fundraising activities.
Walk Manager, Debra Mason, stated; “it certainly has been a challenging period for all, but we were really heartened by the commitment of the bank’s team. As we were unable to hold the physical walk, public donations and activities held by the bank staff such as Jeans Friday, Cupcake, Tannia Log and Chicken & Bake sales along with the sale of WFTC T-shirts, enabled us to keep our enduring commitment to the Grenada Cancer Society and more recently the Pink Ribbon Society.”
The Grenada Cancer Society, who have a ten-year relationship with the bank’s WFTC initiative, accepted their donation with wishes for another decade of partnership! During this decade long partnership, the bank has raised over $249,000.00 from local activities, sponsorship and donations.
The Cancer Society, who have also experienced cutbacks in activities such as patient screening, due to close contact requirement, have taken this opportunity to make the mobile cancer unit available to other organisations and partners for their screening initiatives. They too seek the assistance of skilled personnel for breast screening and prostrate examinations, as cancer continues its ravages island wide.
Ali Dowden, interim PRO of the Grenada Cancer Society, said the “monies received from the bank will also be utilized in our project working along the General Hospital’s Oncology Department and nursing staff to create an improved environment for cancer patients, some of whom have to spend several hours in treatment. It will also enable us to assist a patient needing to head to Antigua for radiotherapy, which we are unable to offer in Grenada. We are sure that the bank will agree that both are very worthwhile ways to utilize their donation, for which we are extremely grateful,” he stated.
CIBC FirstCaribbean wishes to extend special thanks for their 2021 efforts to; Little Bits Cakes and Catering, Sweet Traditions Bakery Café, Lululiscious Treats, Wallie’s Courier Services, Mr. Roman Barry, and present and past (Pensioners) staff of CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank.
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