Grenada Cancer Society Feels the Challenge of Reduced Volunteerism

St. George’s, Grenada, October 5th, 2022. Over two years of fighting the global pandemic have not put a halt to the incidences of cancer island wide.
However, they have unfortunately eaten into the cache of volunteers able to make themselves available for organisations, such as the Grenada Cancer Society. This notable reduction in volunteers, making up the core team, offering cancer screening and support to cancer patients, survivors, and their families, has impacted the organization’s ability to give the levels of care and attention required.
Dr. Sonia Nixon, Interim Chair, Grenada Cancer Society, said the society currently has no paid personnel and that the inability to meet together as an organization during the last few years, and previous cutbacks on patient screening, due to close contact requirements, has severely impacted them. It is therefore laudable that the organization’s objectives, to educate the populace and screen potential cancer sufferers, still remains in place. Treatment regimens however, are very rarely of single occurrence, both they and the expenses incurred are most often continuous. The challenges this poses speak directly to its’ responsibility for ten percent of fatalities in Grenada
As the globe presently marks Breast Cancer Awareness month, Dr. Nixon sent out this appeal;” please take the time to look at your lifestyle and your bodies, to see whether you fall into high-risk categories. As well as teaching yourself how to examine your breasts for lumps, help your partner to do the same for you. A large number of lumps are actually found by the male partners of breast cancer sufferers. Please get screened! Be aware not just for one month in the year, make it part of your lifestyle. Be assured that in spite of the challenges the Cancer Society is still operational, and you can come to us for support”
High risk categories may include some of the following: women ages 45 – 55, previous breast cancer survivors, women who have not had children (never breastfed), breast cancer history in the immediate family, women on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), abuse of alcohol, smoking and obesity.
“I have to say that we are so thankful for the enduring partnership that CIBC FirstCaribbean has established with us, donating for well over a decade, without ceasing, even during the throes of Covid19. The support of corporate organizations is invaluable to us. But each and every individual can also help make a difference. Please make a donation, even a small amount of one dollar from each person will help. Have a Pink Day at work, in your offices. One, one cocoa fills the basket,” she concluded.
CIBC FirstCaribbean donated funds in the amount of $5000.00ECD in support of the Grenada Cancer Society and the selfless work of the volunteers who continue to rally their numbers.
The Grenada Cancer Society will partner with the St. Andrews Development Organisation for their walk on Saturday October 29th and with the Grenada Realtors Association on Sunday October 30th. Please check the Cancer Society’s Facebook page for details.
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