Grenada Co-Operative Bank Ltd Initiative for the Resuscitation of Carlton Home, Supported by Guardian General Insurance (OECS) Ltd

March 6th, 2017 saw Grenada Co-operative Bank announce its plans to make a difference to the landscape of Grenadian society by commencing a new initiative surrounding Carlton Home, a provision for the care, counselling and rehabilitation of alcohol and substance abusers.
In a call for collaborative support for the initial 5 year project, the bank received positive responses from Jonas Browne & Hubbard (Grenada) Limited, Guardian General Insurance (OECS) Ltd and FLOW Grenada, each of whom made a sizeable donation to the programme. A representative from the bank and each of the contributing Companies will form the basis of a Board of Trustees for the funds donated to Carlton Home, thus ensuring accountability, transparency and proper application of funds generated.
Speaking of the initiative and his Company’s involvement, Mr. Ronald Hughes, Managing Director of Guardian General Insurance (OECS) Ltd., stated “Education on the ills of alcohol and substance abuse is paramount, however, this is a protracted process and it will be some time before the positive effects begin to materialise. In the interim, there are already a large number of persons who, with the needed treatment and support, have a good chance at returning to a productive, meaningful and healthy lifestyle. This is an important part of what the Carlton Home programme has to offer”.
The Guardian Group has previously reiterated its stand that corporate entities have an obligation to lend support to causes benefitting Grenada and the vulnerable elements of its society. As a Company which services the needs of many in the community, it welcomes the opportunity to ‘give back’ where possible.
As the Grenada Co-operative Bank have linked the initiative to their ‘Pump it Up Walk’ and ‘Healthier Lifestyle Programme’ Mr. Hughes added, “we will certainly encourage the members of the Guardian General Team to take up the challenge and participate!”
The bank has advised that all “Pump It Up” registered participants, will have the opportunity to voluntarily donate a few dollars extra which will be earmarked for the Carlton House programme.
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