Grenada Government Remains Committed to Resolving Pension Issue
ST. GEORGE, GRENADA, SEPT 12. 2017, GIS: – Finance Minister and Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell has reiterated his government’s commitment to giving the issue of pension reform ‘absolute priority’.
The Prime Minister told the House of Representatives that a team meeting was held early on Friday morning as they continue to search for solutions.
“We would like to have some form of specific resolution before our General Election is called and specifically to at least start to deal with some of the most urgent and desperate cases with the workers outside there,” the Grenadian leader disclosed.
“Start clearing Government Mr. Deputy Speaker and we know when people are hurting, we also must be hurting in every single respect”.
Dr. Mitchell was at the time giving his support to a motion approved by the House which authorizes the Minister for Finance to purchase an additional 142 shares of stock in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The 142 shares of stock will cost US one million and twenty seven thousand, eight hundred and ten dollars.
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