Grenada Launches Climate Resilient Agriculture Project
The United Nations Development Programme, in collaboration with the Government of Grenada is embarking on a project to promote climate resilience in the agriculture sector. The Climate-Resilient Agriculture for Integrated Landscape Management project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
The country’s biodiversity is facing increasing pressure from unsafe agricultural practices, expanding human settlements and climate change, resulting in habitat loss for key species and fragmentation, overexploitation of biological resources, and pollution.
The project which was successfully launched in December 2020, seeks to curb this biodiversity loss and land degradation, which has affected approximately 50% of land resources in Grenada.
UNDP Grenada Coordinator, Rudo Udika indicated that four interrelated outcomes will be achieved through this project. These have been identified as Outcome 1: Systemic and institutional capacity for integrated landscape management at the national level; Outcome 2: National capacity to provide financial, technical and information services for CSA production; Outcome 3: Operationalization of resilient agricultural practices; and Outcome 4: Knowledge management for SLM, CSA and biodiversity conservation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented and insatiable demand for innovation and collaborative solutions, aimed at building back better, and greener. Recognizing the potential for the COVID-19 pandemic to impact on the further degradation of natural areas, biodiversity loss and exploitation, Udika expressed her deep appreciation for the continued partnership between the UNDP and the Government of Grenada, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Forestry to realize the project launch in Grenada.
Hon. Peter David, Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Forestry, recognized the interconnected and cross- sectoral nature of resilience in Grenada. Minister David highlighted the need to apply an integrated approach to agro-ecosystems management, within the context of biodiversity conservation. He further noted that to emerge stronger from the pandemic, an accelerated implementation of tangible, on-theground and technological initiatives that support a climate resilient agriculture system for farmers will be a key aspect of the project, with participation from both the public and private sectors, as well as academia and civil society.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Forestry, Elvis Morain, described the Project as being timely for Grenada. He said, the Climate Resilient Agriculture Project builds on ongoing activities to slow deforestation, increase sustainable farming, enhance resilience to future shocks, including climate change, and prevent future pandemics in partnership with the UNDP.
The need for strategic partnerships to build out this Climate Resilient Agriculture Project was also highlighted by Mr. Mohammad Nagdee, who brought remarks on behalf of the UNDP MCO- Barbados.
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