Grenada Statutory Rules And Orders No. Of 2020

Citation and duration
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the
(2) These Regulations shall come into force at 6:00 p.m. on the 25th day of March, 2020 and shall expire at 6:00 p.m. on the 1st day of April, 2020.
Restriction on freedom of movement
2. (1) A curfew is imposed every day from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. except as provided in these Regulations or as may be approved by the Commissioner of Police.
- Freedom of movement every day from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. shall be exercised in accordance with these Regulations.
- These Regulations shall not apply in the case of a medical emergency.
Work remotely from home
3. (1) All businesses and offices may continue their business operations by allowing their employees to work remotely from home utilising virtual means, unless they are permitted to work under regulation 5 or are designated as being essential workers under regulation 7.
(2) Where a business is unable to continue its business operations by its employees working remotely from home, the business shall cease its operations.
Public Service, Statutory Bodies, State-owned Enterprises and Courts
4. (1) Subject to subregulation (2), all members of the public service shall work remotely from home, except as otherwise directed by the Secretary to the Cabinet.
(2) Where the Secretary to the Cabinet directs that specified public officers attend work, the
Government shall take reasonable steps to—
(a) ensure safe transport of the public officers in accordance with regulation 13; and (b) comply with the physical distancing protocols in accordance with regulation 6.
- Subject to subregulation (4), all employees of Statutory Bodies and State-owned Enterprises shall work remotely from home, except as otherwise directed by the Chairperson of the Board.
- Where the Chairperson of the Board directs that specified employees attend work, the
Statutory Bodies or State-owned Enterprises as the case may be shall take reasonable steps to —
- ensure safe transport of the employees in accordance with regulation 3; and
- comply with the physical distancing protocols in accordance with regulation 6.
- Subject to the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Practice Direction No. 1 of 2020, the Courts shall remain accessible, shall adhere to physical distancing protocols and the persons employed within the public service shall work remotely from home as far as reasonably practicable.
- In this regulation, “the Court” means the Magistrates Courts and the West Indies Associated States Supreme Court.
Closure of businesses and exceptions
5. (1) Subject to regulation 3 (2), every non-essential establishment, or business shall remain closed except for the following—
- wholesale or retail grocery stores and commercial bakeries from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the first two shopping hours to be reserved for seniors, disabled persons and essential workers;
- doctor’s offices, hospitals or medical facilities;
- pharmacies and medical supply establishments;
- gas stations from 6:00 am. to 5:00 p.m.;
- hardware stores from 6:00 am. to 5:00 p.m.;
- hotels, excluding any spas, gyms, discotheques and restaurants therein, however such restaurants may offer takeaway or room service;
- banks, credit unions and money services business from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays;
- commercial ports and related businesses from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., subject to any variation by the Ports Authority;
- airports subject to regulation 10 (1) (a);
- commercial courier flights;
- drive-thru or take away food vendors from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.;
- registered or bona fide fishermen and farmers engaged in their business;
- businesses licensed to provide security guard services;
- such other businesses or undertakings as may be specifically exempted in writing by the Commissioner of Police, and the owner or operator of the establishment specified in paragraphs (a) to shall adhere to physical distancing protocols.
(2) All works of construction of any sort (apart from urgent plumbing, electrical, roof repairs or other emergency repairs for a home or business) shall cease as of 7:00 p.m. from the 25thday of March, 2020.
Physical distancing protocols
6. Every business or establishment must—
- ensure that all customers and staff maintain physical distancing of no less than six feet
(6ft.) in or outside their business;
- determine the number of persons that may be permitted in the establishment at any one time by permitting one person for every thirty square feet of store space;
- within twenty-four hours of the commencement of these Regulations, place distance markers six feet apart, indicating where each customer must stand on a line at a check out point;
- within twenty-four hours of the commencement of these Regulations, place distance markers six feet apart on the outside of the establishment, indicating where customers must stand while waiting to enter the establishment.
Shelter in place
7. (1) In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, every person shall remain confined to their place of residence (inclusive of their yard space) to avoid contact outside of their family except—
- essential workers, who report to work;
- workers required to work under regulation 4 or 5;
- for essential travel to the doctor, grocery store, bank, credit union, money services business or pharmacy or to refuel;
- all Members of Parliament, the Attorney-General and the Director of Public Prosecution;
- for outdoor exercise, whether alone or together with family members living under the same roof, not exceeding an hour and a half per day between the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
- For the purposes of paragraphs (a) to (e) of subregulation (1), such persons shall ensure at all times to distance himself at least six feet (6 ft.) from any other person.
- For the purposes of this regulation, an “essential worker” means officers of—
- the Royal Grenada Police Force;
- Her Majesty’s Prison;
- the National Insurance Board;
- the Department of Social Services;
- the Department of Environmental Health Services;
- the Custom and Excise Division;
- the Accountant-General’s Division;
- the Inland Revenue Division;
- waste disposal and sanitation companies;
- any hospital or health care, medical, residential care establishment or facility;
- the Airports Authority and Ports Authority;
- essential officers of any water, electricity or other sector encompassing the provision of electronic communications including print and electronic media,
and any other officer or category of officers as directed by the Secretary to the Cabinet.
(3) All essential workers shall at all times carry personal identification.
Education and religious instruction
8. (1) All religious and educational places of instruction or worship shall remain closed.
(2) Subregulation (1) does not prohibit—
- any activity referred to therein by electronic or virtual means;
- individual attendance at a place of worship for private individual prayer while maintaining physical distancing.
Restriction on social activities
9. No person shall host or attend—
- a private party which includes any person from outside of the immediate household of the house occupant;
- a recreational or competitive sporting event;
- a wedding which hosts ten or more persons other than the bride, bridegroom, official witnesses and the marriage officer;
- a banquet, ball or reception;
- any social event;
- any other ceremony of public worship in any facility or public place which involves the participation of any member of the general public or a congregation;
- a funeral, except ten members of the immediate family and at least one officiant and essential mortuary staff; or
- a meeting of a fraternal society, private or social club or civic association or organisation.Restriction on international travel
10. (1) For the purposes of preventing, controlling and suppressing the spread of COVID-19, with immediate effect—
- except with the prior written permission of the Airports Authority, all airports including private airports and fixed-base operations (FBOs) shall be closed to incoming international flights carrying any visitor;
- all seaports shall be closed to regional and international seafaring and private boating; and
- no visitor shall be permitted to enter and disembark for any reason, including transitting through the State of Grenada.
(2) The restriction contained in subregulation (1) does not apply to—
- outgoing flights or outgoing ships, as the case may be;
- cargo flights or cargo ships, as the case may be;
- commercial courier flights;
- emergency medical flights;
- emergency flights approved by the Airports Authority;(f) flights carrying any diplomat.
(3) Notwithstanding subregulation (2), no crew member will be allowed or granted shore leave, unless for the purposes of operational difficulties and upon receiving permission from the Airports Authority or the Ports Authority.
Restriction on domestic travel
11. No person shall offer for hire or seek to travel on any— (a) mail boat, sailing inter-island, except for transport of freight; or (b) inter-island private commercial sea transport,
except with the approval of the Ports Authority.
Restriction on road traffic
12. (1) No person shall drive a vehicle on any public or private road for a purpose other than stated in regulation 5, 7, 9 (c) or 9 (g).
- The Royal Grenada Police Force shall have powers to stop any vehicle and inquire as to the purposes for which that vehicle is being utilised, and to arrest anyone found in violation of this restriction.
- For the purposes of this regulation, “vehicle” includes a motor vehicle or motorbike.
Public transportation
13. (1) No person shall offer for hire or seek to travel on—
- any motor omnibus, unless there is or would be not more than one passenger per row in the motor omnibus in a staggered formation;
- any hiring car or taxi, unless there is not more than one passenger in the vehicle.
(2) In this regulation, “motor omnibus”, “hiring car” and “taxi” have the meanings assigned under the Road Traffic Act, Chapter 289A.
Restriction on visitation
14. (1) No person shall visit or be permitted to visit—
- any place of quarantine or isolation station;
- a patient in a hospital or residential care establishment or facility, including an elderly nursing home;
- a detainee in a prison.
(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1) (b) but subject the protocol of the hospital, a patient of a hospital may be allowed one visitor per day.
15. A person who contravenes or fails to comply with these Regulations shall be guilty of an offence and, on summary conviction, liable to a fine of one thousand dollars and to imprisonment for twelve months and to forfeiture of any goods or money in respect of which the offence has been committed.
16. The Commissioner of Police may, on the direction of the Cabinet of Grenada, issue guidelines to provide for further clarification on these Regulations.
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