Grenada’s Ambassador to the USA Holds Follow-Up Meeting With SGU Chancellor on Information Technology Initiative

Washington, DC, February 23, 2022 – Her Excellency Yolande Y. Smith, Grenada’s Ambassador to the United States of America met Wednesday with Dr. Charles R. Modica, JD, Chancellor and Chair of the Board of Directors of St. George’s University, as a follow up to an Information Technology initiative announced at a joint Government of GrenadaSGU press conference last Thursday.
While the discussions are still in the early stages, the initiative aims to partner with IT companies based in the United States, to provide training for local SGU scholarship recipients in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT).
These companies will provide curriculum input for a specifically crafted programme at SGU. The programme will turn out highly qualified individuals who would then be contracted by these companies to perform top level offshore functions. The initiative responds to Grenada’s educational development and employment needs, by bridging the digital divide and providing human resource capacity for US companies at competitive rates. The Embassy in Washington will work with an appointed SGU team to present a proposal that leverages SGU’s history of excellence, Grenada’s proximity to the United States, and the promise of a highly trained and specialised workforce.
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