IC Completes Successful End-of-term Outreach Programme

JULY 19TH, 2022 – The office of the Integrity Commission just completed its successful end-of-term Secondary Schools’ educational outreach programme.
The programme titled “Youth Against Corruption”, aims at ensuring that young people are at the vanguard of the prevention of corruption in Grenadian society by embracing values of integrity and accountability.
Members of the Commission’s professional staff, visited and engaged with over 500 students in five (5) secondary schools in St. George’s, during the last week of school – July 4 – 8, 2022.
The educational programme, made including a Power Point presentation, videos and interactive discussions, is designed to encourage young people to cultivate habits that lend themselves to developing and maintaining a life of integrity.
Mrs. Samorna Dowe-Mitchell, the Commission’s Acting Head of Investigations, was the main facilitator this term.
She said the engagement with the students justified the Commissioners’ vision and thrust to intensify the Commission’s is educational efforts focusing on children and youth in order to effect a culture shift towards all Grenadians embracing ethical values and integrity principles to prevent corruption.
“The children showed great interest in all aspects of the presentations; it was welcomed by teachers and students and we look forward to continuing this aspect of our work guided by the international and local laws, ” Mrs. Dowe-Mitchell said.
She added that “it is not just an effort of the Commission but of all Grenadians that is required in the fight against corruption”.
The schools that participated in this recent outreach programme were Anglican High School, Happy Hill Secondary School, J.W. Fletcher Catholic Secondary School, Presentation Boys College and St. Joseph’s Convent St. George’s.
The Commission plans to take its programme to the secondary schools in the other parishes when schools resume in September.
This builds on earlier interactions with the nation’s students over the recent years. There are also plans to engage Primary Schools in the near future.
Discussions had been underway for a module of the programme to be included in the curricula of the Ministry of Education, for children from as early as kindergarten to the tertiary levels.
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