IC’s Gift Registry System not Triggered as CBI Committee Returned Gifts

The Integrity Commission acknowledges that a fulsome report was received from the Chair of the Citizen by Investment (CBI) Committee Chair about the gifts offered to its Chair and office bearers.
The Commission was duly informed that in the exercise of his discretion, and guided by the Integrity In Public Life legislation as well as internal policies, the CBI Chair, returned the gifts.
There was therefore, no need to trigger the Commission’s Gift Registry system at this time.
The Commission uses this opportunity to remind all persons who fall within the definition of public officers and officials, as well as the private and development sectors of Grenada of the requirements of the Integrity laws of Grenada specifically the refusal and/or acceptance of gifts.
“A person in public life shall not accept any gift or reward from any person as an inducement for any official act to be done by him or her; or a reward for any official act done by him or her.” (Integrity in Public Life Act Section 45 subsection 1(a) and (b))
“Where a person in public life accepts a gift or a reward in the circumstances specified in subsection (2)(b), he or she shall make a report to the Commission of that fact in the prescribed manner within seven days of the receipt of the gift.” (Integrity in Public Life Act Section 45 subsection 3)
Gifts in excess of E.C$500.00 must be handed over to the Accountant General for the decision of the Commission and Accountant General. The Commission takes this opportunity to extend wishes for a Happy New Year to all of Grenada.
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