Integrity Commission Launches Public Education Campaign on Gift Registry
The Integrity Commission of Grenada has launched its public education campaign on the Gift Registry, despite a major setback posed by the Covid 19 Pandemic. Considering the health and social distancing protocols, the Commission decided to conduct its public education programmes virtually, using Circulars.
The Commission has prepared a series of eight (8) Circulars on the Gift Registry. Earlier this month, the Commission issued the first two (2) Circulars to the Senior Management Board of Government, for distribution and discussion among staff of all ministries, departments and statutory bodies. Every month through to December, two Circulars will be sent out and the Commission stands ready to engage public officers in discussion, to ensure that all understand their requirements as it relates to the receiving and/or giving of gifts, rewards and gratifications, in the course of their duties.
The Integrity in Public Life Act No. 24 of 2013 Section 45, subsection 1, states that, a person in public life shall not accept any gift or reward from any person, as an inducement or reward for any official act. However, the following subsections explain when it is appropriate for public officers to receive gifts and sets out conditions under which gifts can be received and how they are to be treated with. The first requirement is for the person receiving the gift, which must be in excess of EC$500, to file a declaration with the Office of the Integrity Commission, within seven (7) days of such receipt.
The Gift Registry is a record of gifts received by or given to employees, organizations or individuals in the Public Service. After filing of the declarations of gifts if it is determined that the gift is a state gift, or intended to be a bribe for public service, it would be logged in the Gift Registry, which will be housed in the Office of the Director General, according to the Legislation (Section 45 (5)). Any public officers, found to be in breach of subsection 5, upon summary conviction, will liable to a fine equal to the value of the gift involved or ten thousand dollars, whichever is greater, or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three months. The Circulars, which can also be found on our website, explain the process of filing declarations of gifts and the penalties associated with breaches.
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