International Anti-Corruption Day 2020 – “Recover with Integrity”
8TH DECEMBER, 2020 – On December 9th Grenada’s Integrity Commission will observe International Anti-Corruption Day 2020 under the theme “Recover With Integrity”.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reminds us that, “Corruption thrives in times of crisis and the ongoing global pandemic has not been an exception either. During the COVID-19 health crisis, fighting corruption can mean the difference between life and death; adequate food or hunger; having a roof over one’s head or becoming homeless.”
The Commission has had to tailor this year’s observance of International Anti-Corruption Day to the current COVID-19 protocols. As such, the Commission collaborated with the Principal and teachers of the Corinth Government School and the J.W. Fletcher Secondary School to produce two skits, depicting the ills of corruption and encouraging young people to stand up against it. The skits will be published on the Commission’s YouTube Channel and Facebook page and will be broadcast on GBN, MTV and GIS.
The Commission attended the Beaulieu Roman Catholic Church on Sunday, December 6 for a special church service marking the commencement of its week of observance.
On Wednesday, December 9, Chairperson of the Commission A. Anande Lady Trotman-Joseph will deliver an address as part of the Commission’s activities to mark the observance.
COVID-19 took the global and national health and economic sectors completely by surprise. This left many hospitals and healthcare institutions without the necessary supplies, and national procurement systems exposed to exploitation and corruption. Many countries, Grenada included, had to take substantial measures to address the health emergency and to avoid national economic collapse. Globally, billions of dollars’ worth of medical equipment, supplies and services had to be procured and economic support and safety nets provided for citizens. The urgent responses required during the pandemic create significant opportunities for corruption; hence the call for an inclusive COVID-19 recovery can only be achieved by our collective integrity and accountability.
The Commission, therefore, takes this opportunity to encourage all Grenadians, during this Covid19 pandemic, to continue to stand “united against corruption for development, peace and security” as Grenada and the world work to “Recover with Integrity”.
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