Join Grenada’s Contribution to the Fight Against Climate Change
In December 2015, the Paris Agreement achieved the historic goal of aligning the nations of the world in the fight against climate change with the main objective of limiting the increase in global average temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This, they agreed, will be achieved by establishing commitments by all to orient the development of their societies towards low-carbon and climate-resilient economies. These commitments are called Nationally Determined Contributions.
Whilst Grenada’s responsibility in causing climate change is very low, as a small island developing state, the country is very vulnerable to its impacts, and it is therefore committed to a sustainable future.
The government of Grenada, with the support of the NDC Partnership and the Avina Foundation, will hold a virtual event this Wednesday, May 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., with the aim of firstly, presenting to the general population its own Nationally Determined Contribution and second to involve the different sectors in the fight against climate change.
The Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Climate Resilience, and the Environment, host of the event, will be represented at the meeting by members of the Environment Division, who will share the content of Grenada’s updated Nationally Determined Contribution, as well as some key sectorial actions to move forward its implementation.
The Nationally Determined Contributions are voluntary commitments of the signatory countries to the Paris Agreement and the basic instrument to achieve their long-term climate objectives. These instruments will determine each country’s efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as measures to adapt and increase resilience to the adverse effects of climate change.
The implementation of Grenada’s Nationally Determined Contribution is a commitment of all the actors of society, for this reason the invitation is open.
The virtual webinar will take place through the Zoom platform. Anyone interested to participate to the meeting can click on this link to register or request a registration link by email:
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