Lupus Awareness Month – A Message From the Lupus Foundation of Grenada

Lupus Awareness Month, observed during the month of May, seeks to increase public understanding of a cruel and mysterious disease.
Lupus is a serious, chronic, yet little-known disease that affects mainly young women. While people of all races and ages develop lupus, it is nine times more common in women than men and three times more common in black women. In lupus, the body’s immune system sometimes becomes overactive and attacks its own healthy tissues. The causes of lupus are unknown, but what is known is that lupus can affect many parts of the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs, heart or the brain with symptoms that have a lasting and often devastating impact on the lives of people living with lupus.
Lupus is difficult to diagnose and is often mistaken for other diseases. Unfortunately, many individuals with lupus are not diagnosed until serious complications occur. While there is no cure for lupus, the good news is that great advances have been made in its treatment. As awareness and understanding of lupus grows, resulting in early diagnosis and treatment, people with lupus are living longer and more productive lives.
The Lupus Foundation of Grenada is a non-profit organisation that provides education, information, awareness and emotional support for people living with lupus in Grenada. As we intensify our efforts this month to raise awareness of the cruel mystery of lupus, we invite you to help us Make May Purple.
Purple is the colour of Lupus and the Netherlands Insurance Company has already joined the awareness campaign and is Pumping up the Purple to support lupus awareness by lighting its Grand Anse Building in purple for Lupus Awareness Month. Put on Purple (POP) Day is May 19 and we encourage you to wear purple to show your support as we take action to raise awareness of lupus and end its brutal impact.
If you would like additional information about Lupus, please contact us:
P.O. Box 1809, Grand Anse, St. George
Tel: 407-0070 or 407-4203
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