Ministers & Senators Named at Cabinet Swearing-In Ceremony

By Lincoln DePradine
Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell has described one of his 12 ministries, which are being run by newly sworn-in MPs and Senators, as his “super ministry’’; and another, as the one to “deliver’’ on promises made during the recent Grenada election campaign.
The “super ministry’’ – Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and ICT – is headed by economist Lennox Andrews, National Democratic Congress MP for St Andrew South-West.
“It will be our super ministry because it would be responsible for driving the productive sectors of Grenada, including tourism, agriculture, fisheries, ICT (and) the creative economy,’’ said Prime Minister Mitchell, who called Andrews “an experienced and competent colleague’’.
The ministry headed by Andrews “is tasked with ensuring that we plan the economic growth and development’’ of the nation, Mitchell said Thursday at the National Stadium at the swearing-in ceremony of cabinet ministers.
“We intend to ensure that culture and the creative economy play a pivotal role in the growth and development of our young people,’’ the prime minister said.
“We campaigned on the fact that if we do not plan our society; if we do not plan our development; and, if we do not plan the growth of our economy, we would not be able to achieve our goals.’’
Thursday’s event was the second formal ceremony following the NDC’s 9-6 win over the New National Party (NNP) in general elections on June 23.
One day after the election victory, Dickon Mitchell took the prime ministerial oath of office, in the presence of Governor General Dame Cecile La Grenade, and became the new government leader.
The prime minister, and parliamentary representative for St David, has assumed additional responsibilities. At Thursday’s ceremony, he was sworn in as Minister of Finance, National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information, and Disaster Management.
Of the other government departments headed by MPs and Senators, he highlighted Mobilisation, Implementation and Transformation. The minister in charge is businessman Andy Williams, MP for St George South.
“That ministry is tasked with ensuring that all other ministries – including the ministries that I head – deliver on behalf of the people of Petite Martinique, Carriacou and Grenada,’’ Prime Minister Mitchell said. “I was tempted to name the ministry, the ministry that will get stuff done; and, we’re at a juncture in our development where we need to get stuff done.’’
Apart from the nine successful NDC MPs, the prime minister has also appointed Adrian Thomas and Quinc Britton among six senators.
Britton, a newcomer to elected politics, was defeated in St Mark by former NNP government minister, Dr Clarice Modeste-Curwen.
Thomas, a former NDC leader, has been given responsibility for agriculture, fisheries and cooperatives. His departments are located in the Ministry of Economic Development and Planning.
The prime minister said he looks forward to Thomas and Minister Andrews, a former permanent secretary for finance, “leading the charge in ensuring that Grenada’s economic development is driven by our productive sectors’’.
Other cabinet ministers are MP Tevin Andrews; MP Dennis Cornwall; MP Phillip Telesford; MP Kerryne James; MP Ron Redhead; Sen. Gloria Thomas; Sen. Claudette Joseph; Sen. Jonathan LaCrette; Sen. David Andrew; and MP Joseph Andall.
· Andall is Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Export Development
· LaCrette: Minister of Health, Wellness & Religious Affairs
· Joseph: Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Labour & Consumer Affairs
· Gloria Thomas: Minister of State with responsibility for Social Development & Gender Affairs
· James: Minister of Climate Resilience, Environment & Renewable Energy
· Telesford: Minister of Housing, Gender Affairs and Social & Community Development
· Cornwall: Minister of Infrastructure, Physical Development, Public Utilities, Transportation & Civil Aviation
· Redhead: Minister of State with responsibility for Youth and Sports
· David Andrew: Minister of Education, Youth & Sports
· Tevin Andrews: Minister of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs & Local Government.
“The appointment of the cabinet is meant to reflect our campaign promises, to the people of Grenada, to begin the transformation of Grenada,’’ said the prime minister, who also extended an “olive branch’’ to public servants and offered to begin a “peace process’’ with them.
“The time for industrial peace to prevail is now. The time for productivity is now,’’ he said. “We will instruct the Ministry of Finance to repay to the teachers of Petite Martinique, Carriacou and Grenada, the salaries that were docked unjustly from them. And that those payments should be made as early as the end of July 2022.’’
Mitchell also announced plans to recall all overseas-based diplomats.
The new NDC administration is committed to ensuring that those “given the privilege of representing Grenada in our consuls and missions abroad are – first and foremost – Grenadians,’’ the prime minister said. “And, second, that they have – without doubt – not their personal interests, but the interests of the people of Petite Martinique, Carriacou and Grenada at heart.’’
According to Prime Minister Mitchell, he’s “extremely happy’’ that Andall, the bilingual MP for St Patrick West, accepted to serve in the foreign ministry portfolio.
“We have a lot of work to do in addressing many, many complex and difficult foreign affairs matters. But, we also have a lot of work to do in restoring the dignity and sanctity of the Nation-state of Grenada,’’ said Mitchell.
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