Ministry of Health Concerned About Hosting of Unsanctioned Events
The Ministry of Health says it is deeply concerned about the growing trend of some business establishments and individuals to stage unsanctioned social public activities, in direct contradiction with the safety rules and guidelines to protect against COVID-19.
Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr. Shawn Charles says the thoughtless action by some can reverse the gains the country has made to prevent another outbreak of (COVID-19) in the country.
Dr. Charles, an Epidemiologist by training, says these deliberate acts put the public at risk, in the event that there is a positive case present in these activities.
“None of these activities have been sanctioned by the Ministry of Health, none have been granted permission by the Ministry of Health to operate like they have been doing or have done. And therefore, in our opinion, they have violated all of the principles that we have outlined to prevent another outbreak or spread of the virus”, the (CMO) explained. “So today we are calling on these businesses and individuals to be more responsible, and to assist the Ministry of Health, the Government of Grenada and the people of this country, by avoiding the conditions that will allow for the spread of (COVID-19) on our shores”, the (CMO) urged.
Health authorities say as the country gradually reopens, established (COVID-19) safety guidelines and protocols should not be flouted, since this can have serious consequences should there be another outbreak on the island.
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