New Tourism Minister for St. Kitts & Nevis

Credit: betterwithlabour
St. Kitts & Nevis is welcoming attorney-at-law Marsha Henderson as its new Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Urban Development.
As Minister of Tourism, Henderson, a member of new Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Michael Drew’s Federal Cabinet, will work to ensure that the destination continues to make strides towards the full resumption of tourism activity, including the return of airlift and cruise ship arrivals, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of the people of the Federation.
Henderson’s appointment signals the destination’s commitment to enhance its tourism presence and strengthen the economic impact of the tourism sector.
Henderson, who holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of the West Indies, is also the founder and principal of Henderson Law Chambers.
The destination recently announced the lifting of all COVID-19-related entry requirements for arriving travelers, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.
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