NHI to be Fully Implemented After Elections
ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, GIS: Prime Minister Dr. the Right Hon. Keith Mitchell has promised to move speedily with the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NIH) following the March 13th Election.
The National Health Insurance plan is geared towards making health care affordable and accessible.
Dr. Mitchell says proper health care is not an issue only for the people of Grenada, but one that surfaces everywhere.
“We have watched our Health Care System in this country over the years, Government go Government come, we have seen the fundamental problems,” Prime Minister Mitchell said during a recent rally.
“My friends, if you check around the Caribbean, if you check around the world, internationally whenever there is an election health care is one of the serious issues being discussed, if you remember the United States Election recently health care was one of the serious issues that both parties had to face”.
Prime Minister Mitchell has expressed confidence that his New National Party will retain the government in the March 13th election.
The Prime Minister promised that implementation of the NHI will again be a top priority after the polls.
“Therefore it takes this NNP to initiate a question of the National Health Insurance sisters and brothers,” Dr. Mitchell said.
“What is taking place sisters and brothers aggressively, and I want to tell you, in the next term of our Government starting March 14th we are going to move speedily and implement a National Health Insurance”.
The NHI Secretariat was officially launched in October last year.
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