It is with deep sadness and a sense of loss that we at the Agency for Rural Transformation (ART) have received news of the passing of RGPF Band Member Lincoln Roberts.
We made the acquaintance of Mr. Roberts when the RGPF Band provided accompaniment for various performers at the agency’s first Senior Citizens Concert in 1996. The RGPF Band provided accompaniment at subsequent concerts organised by our agency or in which we played a key role – particularly the memorable Public Personalities in Concert 2002 (hosted by the InterAgency Group of Development Organisations to commemorate Grenada’s Independence) and the 32-25 Concert in 2006 to commemorate Grenada’s 32nd Independence Anniversary and our agency’s 25th anniversary. Mr. Roberts appeared at all these concerts with the RGPF Band. ART is pleased to have known Mr. Roberts. He was encouraging and appreciative of our agency’s work. We recall with gratitude his support to our agency.
The Police Band is undoubtedly a most popular and well loved department of the Royal Grenada Police Force. While we associate it with the pomp and ceremony of official events, it lends support to events in all corners of Grenada, no matter how humble bringing cheer and goodwill, while exemplifying discipline and professionalism. Mr. Roberts played his role We salute his service to Grenada as a member of the Royal Grenada Police Force Band.
We offer our condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and the fraternity of the Royal Grenada Police Force and the RGPF Band in particular. We give thanks for his life. May he rest in peace!
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