Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Welcomes Repayment of Docked Salaries to Teachers and Other Public Officers

St. George’s, Grenada. July 29, 2022 – The Ministry of Finance has confirmed that $1.2 million in docked salaries to teachers and other public officers have been repaid, consistent with Cabinet Conclusion # 574, dated 11 July 2022. These salaries were docked in 2018 and affected 1,721 public servants. The Ministry advises that all statutory deductions (NIS, Personal Income Tax) have been deducted from the docked amounts, where applicable.
In addition, the payment of 185 teachers and other public officers who have left the system, and are no longer on payroll, will be processed via payment vouchers by the respective Ministries/Departments.
They are are urged to visit the Ministry of Finance website at submit their banking and other relevant information to allow for payment of any outstanding amounts.
The Hon. Dickon Mitchell, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance expressed his appreciation to the staff of the Ministry of Finance for the huge effort in processing the payments, and believes that the return of the unjustly docked salaries will contribute significantly to industrial peace in the country.
Any queries regarding the repayment of docked salaries should be directed to the Accountant General’s Department, Ministry of Finance, at 440-2294.
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