Prime Minister Announces November 6 as Date For CCJ Referendum

August 30, 2018 – Grenadians will go to the polls on November 6, 2018 in a national referendum to determine whether or not the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) will replace the Privy Council as the final Court of Appeal for Grenada.
Prime Minister, Dr. the Ri8ght Honourable Keith Mitchell made the announcement Wednesday evening as he delivered remarks at the launch of the CCJ Referendum Promotional Activities.
Dr. Mitchell said the electorate will be called upon to make a bold decision that will help shape the future of Grenada and of the region.
He said, “there comes a time in a country when bold decisions become absolutely necessary. The growth and development of individuals and of nations are often synonymous with bold decisions. And the time is now for us in this land of ours to make a bold decision.”
The Prime Minister believes a “yes” vote for the CCJ will signal Grenada’s unwavering commitment to regional integration. He also noted that acceding to the CCJ is not a political move but one that is in the best interest of the country.
“There is nothing political about this move to promote the CCJ,” Dr. Mitchell said. He added, “This is beyond partisan political interests. It has transcended political boundaries. The composition of the Advisory Committee set up to spearhead the move towards this referendum bears testimony to that fact. Every serious organisation and political organisation are members of that committee.”
The Prime Minister also acknowledged that the presence of Mr. Randall Robinson of the National Democratic Congress who chaired the proceedings, is indicative of the unified approach to adopting the CCJ as the final appellate court.
The prospect of change creates uncertainty, but it also provides opportunity and Dr. Mitchell believes acceding to the CCJ represents an opportunity to showcase regionalism at work. He said, “Many regional institutions have been established over the years and some stand today as symbols of the collective wisdom and capability of Caribbean people. The Caribbean Court of Justice has the potential to be the next pillar of strength that symbolises our commitment to regional integration.”
Regional camaraderie was on full display at the launch of the CCJ Referendum Promotional Campaign as Prime Minister, Mia Mottley of Barbados delivered the feature address.
Prime Minister Mottley said November 6 will be a significant day in the history of the region with the nationals of both Grenada and Antigua & Barbuda voting on accession to the CCJ.
Ms. Mottley, who was integrally involved in the establishment of the court, said the region now boasts of a “preeminent regional institutional” which illustrates that the efforts to create it are fully vindicated.
Like her Grenadian counterpart, Prime Minister Mottley said the debate on accession to the CCJ must be void of partisan politics. “Grenada must take this on as single nation,” she said, noting that her country adopted the same approach when it addressed the matter of the CCJ many years ago. “Part of the maturity of our region is to recognise that there are matters that go to the national condition and must go beyond partisan politics,” she said.
Ms. Mottley further stated, “The positive reputation that the Caribbean Court of Justice has gained in recent months and years has enhanced its favourable ratings in the eyes of ordinary lawyers and in the eyes of ordinary CARICOM citizens. I therefore commend the Government of Grenada, the people and the opposition for placing this courageous decision back before the people of Grenada at this time, and for mounting this comprehensive public education programme.”
Wednesday’s launch of the CCJ Referendum Promotional Activities was held under the theme, Break the Chains of Colonialism for One United Caribbean. The CCJ Advisory Committee will be rolling out a full agenda of activities to promote national discourse in the run up to the CCJ referendum on November 6.
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