Prime Minister Participates in Engagements in Miami and Paris

ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, March 30, 2017 –: Prime Minister Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell is in Miami, Florida today, to participate in a High Level Conference, organized by the World Bank and the Miami Herald Media Company.
The Conference, held at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami, will also feature other leaders of Government, as well as regional and international organizations, including Prime Minister of St. Lucia, Honourable Allen Chastanet, and Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Timothy Antoine, IMF Division Chief, Trevor Alleyne, World Bank Country Director for the Caribbean, Tahseen Sayed.
The high level conference will see the panelists discussing “The Caribbean Dilemma,” with the aim of identifying broad-based solutions to bolster sustainable growth across the region.
From Miami, the Prime Minister will travel to France, where he will be the Featured Speaker at the Paris21 Conference on April 5 and 6th. His address will focus on the topic “SDGs, data and capacity development – Perspectives from a Small Island Developing State.”
He returns to Grenada on April 7th.
In the Prime Minister’s absence, Honourable Gregory Bowen will serve as Acting Prime Minister.
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