Prime Minister Welcomes SGU Initiative to Create More Opportunities for Grenadians

February 17, 2022 – Four decades after establishing a medical school which has now evolved into a world-renowned institution, St. George’s University (SGU) is looking to put Grenada on the map again, this time, as a conduit for careers in information technology.
At a press conference held jointly with the Prime Minister on Thursday, Chancellor of SGU, Dr. Charles Modica explained that the intention is to expand the university’s curriculum to include information technology, and to encourage US-based IT companies to establish subsidiaries in Grenada which would absorb the Grenadian students graduating from this area of study.
Dr. Modica plans to begin pursuing this initiative as early as next week when he meets with Grenada’s Ambassador to the United States, Her Excellency Yolande Smith.
The Chancellor said SGU has grown to become a well-respected institution that is now the leading provider of doctors for hospitals in the United States. He is confident that the university can achieve a similar feat, with respect to IT.
Dr. Modica said, “We want to become an IT nation that allows for the development of platforms for coding and other careers in IT. We want to pursue partnerships with some of the giants in the IT world and even some of the smaller companies. What we can do is to provide job training for highly qualified, smart people and the companies can in turn guide us as to what courses are commensurate with their operational needs.”
The Chancellor spoke glowingly about the SGU legacy saying, “We should all be proud of the accomplishments of SGU and what this means for the nation. We have learned from the pandemic, the world is a lot smaller now, it has shrunk. IT companies can have satellite offices right here in Grenada, staffed by people that SGU has trained. It will be a good thing for the economy of the country and for providing opportunities for Grenadians.”
He added, “Not only would Grenadians not have to leave home for their education in the area of IT, they would not have to leave home to take up competitive jobs in that field. I think it’s time Grenada becomes a leader in this and I am sure that many countries will follow afterwards, just like they did with the medical school.”
Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, has voiced his full support for the initiative, noting that his administration has always championed the empowerment of Grenadians through education.
The Prime Minister reflected on SGU’s significant contribution to the local economy, noting that its growth over the years has led to it being one of the main drivers of growth and a top contributor to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Dr. Mitchell commended SGU for its longstanding collaboration with Government saying, “The partnership between the Government of Grenada and St. George’s University has created tremendous benefits for the people of this country and I’m heartened by the fact that they continue to do more. They are not merely satisfied with what has already been accomplished, but instead, SGU is actively moving to determine what additional benefits can be made available to the people of this country.”
Dr. Mitchell, who is Lead Head for Science and Technology in the CARICOM Quasi Cabinet, welcomed SGU’s planned focus on the area of IT, noting that it is the way of the future and he cited possibilities for interconnectivity with other critical sectors of the economy.
The Prime minister commended the Chancellor for his vision in continuously developing initiatives that are intended to help further the development of Grenadians and the country as a whole.
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