Real Value IGA Supermarket lives up to one of its tag lines; “Serving the Community”

Real Value IGA Supermarket demonstrated their commitment of “Serving the Community” with distribution of over 25 Christmas Hampers to homes for the aged, children’s homes and a variety of families in need during the 2018 holiday season.
This is an annual hamper distribution of food and toiletry items which has been taking place for the past 15 years. The Management and staff of Real Value IGA Supermarket believe in making an impact throughout the island visiting each parish over a two-day distribution period every December.
Real Value’s investment in “Serving the Community” isn’t just limited to the month of December; as we are an active contributor year-round to schools, churches, non-profit organizations and to a variety of Group Homes and Ministry Departments each year according to Cheryl Rennie, Marketing Manager for Real Value IGA Supermarket.

Giving back to those in need and supporting the communities, in which our customers and staff reside in, is paramount to our core values as a company. Our annual Kids Fest event which has been held for 12 years, raises funds for Bel Air Home for Children & Adolescents is an example of our community outreach endeavors. In December of 2018, Ms. Lisa Charles, Director of Bel Air Home for Children & Adolescents was presented with a $5,000 donation cheque as a result of the fund-raising efforts from Kids Fest.
In 2019, Real Value IGA Supermarket will continue to expand our reach into the communities of Grenada to assist those in need, as well as to support organizations and worthy causes through financial donations and volunteerism efforts of our staff. Sharing the grace and kindness as we continue “Serving the Community”.
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