Regional Ministers of Education Share Insights at CXC’s 2nd Annual Ministerial Summit

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) will host its second annual Ministerial Summit on Friday 11 November 2022 from 9:30 AM AST in St. George’s, Grenada. The event will also be live streamed via CXC® TV,
The event will be held under the theme Flexible Learning, Credentialing and Assessment and will engage education policymakers, from across the region, in high-level dialogue. The second Ministerial Summit will consider flexible learning and assessment in a new paradigm of educational credentialling within the region’s education system. Key emphasis of the Summit is the exploration of CXC’s new qualifications management framework and flexible learning and assessment strategies at the secondary and post-secondary education level.
The agenda includes keynote addresses and two fora on discussions surrounding topical credentialing and curriculum policy issues, and educational transformation.
The Honourable Dickon A.T. Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada will deliver the Keynote Address. Remarks will be delivered by Senator the Honourable David Andrew, Minister of Education, Sports and Culture, Grenada. Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, Chairman of CXC® and Dr Wayne Wesley, Registrar and CEO, CXC® will both address the Summit on behalf of CXC®, while Mr Elvis Morain, Permanent Secretary with Responsibility for Education, Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture, Grenada will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the Opening Ceremony.
The event will receive pre-recorded remarks from The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, Secretary General of The Commonwealth Secretariat. She will be followed by Dr Sanjaya Mishra, Director: Education, of The Commonwealth of Learning, who will share insights on the topic Flexible Credentialling in a Digital Age. In the first of two Plenary sessions, Dr Eduardo Ali, Pro-Registrar and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, CXC® and Dr Margaret Niles, Manager, Educational Research and Innovation, CXC® will explore CXC’s approach to the Learning Crisis Post-Pandemic. Secondly, Dr Nicole Manning, Director of Operations, CXC® will speak to Digital Transformation through Partnership for Quality Education.
Regional Ministers of Education and Ministry officials will provide key inputs during the second session focused on Educational Transformation: Policy, Financial Sustainability and Practice. In the first forum, Dr the Honourable Fayval Williams, Minister of Education and Youth, Jamaica; Dr the Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, Minister of Education, Trinidad and Tobago and The Honourable Kay McConney, Minister of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, Barbados will share key presentations related to policies for educational transformation.
In the second forum, Dr Eduardo Ali and Mrs Sheree Deslandes, Director of Corporate Services will set the stage for a discussion around the topic: Financing Sustainable Educational Transformation in the CXC® context especially in the area of technical cooperation with development partners. The Honourable Daryll Matthew, Minister of Education, Sports and Creative Industries, Antigua and Barbuda and Dr Laurette Bristol, Programme Manager for Human Resource Development, CARICOM Secretariat will join Senior Economists of the World Bank, Dr Diego Angel-Urdinola (Human Capital Development) and Dr Victoria Levin (Global Education Practice) and Dr Martin Baptiste, Division Chief, Social Sector Division, Caribbean Development Bank in sharing perspectives on the theme Financing Sustainable Educational Transformation.
These robust discussions from regional stakeholders and policy experts should provide greater insights into the requirements of a digitally transformed Post-Pandemic Caribbean education framework.
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