Safe & Sound at Spicemas 2019
The Spice Isles are increasingly becoming a destination of choice, due to the Pure Grenada experience offered and the ever-growing number of shows, festivals and international and regional sporting events. With this welcome and positive growth comes additional responsibility.
For a number of years, St. Augustine Medical Services (SAMS) has been making their presence felt, by providing the services of their medical team and ambulance, as they continue to partner with event promoters in the interests of public safety. This is done in a concerted effort to highlight the need for adequate medical care at events in Grenada. Having this type of service, on-site and readily available, is a pre-requisite at large events around the globe. Grenada’s adherence to this sends a clear message to both the resident population and international visitors that their safety, at such events, is a matter which is being taken seriously.
Along with the rest of the nation, the personnel at St. Augustine’s Medical Services (SAMS) applaud the news that the number of visitors scheduled to be on Grenada for late July – August 2019, is predicted to be high. They are also firmly determined to continue to play their part in bringing the health and safety standards practiced at Grenada’s public events ever closer to international standards, in all aspects.
Dr Amechi, owner and Resident General Practitioner at SAMS, commented on their continued support of Grenada’s culture, and their commitment to emphasising health safety throughout the island. “At SAMS we continuously express the need for healthy lifestyles and safety at all times. During the busy Carnival season, now here for 2019, it is vitally important that persons can be attended to quickly and efficiently, in the event of an injury. Historically cases of dehydration have also required medical attendance during the season, so we urge all to remember that this can be avoided, by ensuring that they drink as much water as possible. Being conscious of how much fluid they may lose in the heat of the sun and through high levels of alcohol consumption, will also help greatly”, he concluded.
SAMS wishes all a safe and enjoyable Spicemas season and encourages all participants and spectators to take care and keep hydrated throughout the festivities, so that nothing mars their Pure Grenada experience!
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