Senator St Clair: Re-think Agriculture – Budget and Policies
15 DECEMBER, ST GEORGE’S: Senator for Agriculture and Fisheries Roderick St Clair, will be presenting today at the 2021 Grenada Senate Budget Debate.
The 2021 Grenada Budget theme is Towards 2035: recovery, transformation (distinct change) and resilience – capacity to recover. Senator St Clair will recognise positive accomplishments in Agriculture and Fisheries; highlight areas in the 2021 budget that are not beneficial to Agriculture and Fisheries and propose transformational approaches in terms of budget and policies for the development of Agriculture and Fisheries in the State of Grenada.
He will speak on Training – the human resource deficit in Agriculture and Fisheries, and the youth as the future of our food in Grenada. OnProduction and Export, he will addressfocus on key crops with extension support and connections to local and international markets, as well as airlift support for Agriculture and Fisheries outputs. Capacity to Recover means support of farmers/fishers organisations and governance, as well as inter-ministerial coordination. Senator St Clair will speak to the dire need of budget monies to better support technology, training, staffing, agriculture and market research, equipment repair and maintenance, and to counter praedial larceny.
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