SGU Adds Enhanced Safety Protocols on True Blue Campus

TRUE BLUE, Grenada, September 20, 2021 – Today, St. George’s University (SGU) announced enhanced safety protocols on the True – Blue campus, including pausing all in – person education. SGU is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of students, faculty, staff, and the country of Grenada. T his decision was made i n the spirit of community support and with an abundance of caution to help mitigate the spread of C OVID – 19 in Grenada.
SGU continues to see a very low number of infections on campus and in the SGU community and will maintain periodic screening of all members of the SGU community . In addition, the very few on campus who are COVID positive are experiencing no symptoms or only very mild symptoms as a result of their fully vaccinated status. No SGU connected individuals have been hospitalized.
The new safety protocol will entail a transition to online education for all students in Grenada for the next two weeks. This will include all School of Medicine Basic Sciences students and students in the Schools of Veterinary Medicine, Arts and Sciences, and Graduate Studies including those in Grenada.
During this period, any students, faculty and staff on campus will be required to wear masks both indoors and outdoors and group activities will be restricted to open air spaces. Campus operations will be reduced, and all non – essential employees will continue their work duties from home whenever possible.
“We believe this decision is consistent with the best practice recommendations of leading health organizations and is in the best interest of our campus community” said Dr. Richard Liebowitz, Vice Chancellor of St. George’s University. “ While we are not anticipating a prolonged suspension of in – person classes, students who wish to leave Grenada may return home to continue their studies online. All active employees will continue to receive full pay a nd benefits”.
“We will continue to work diligently with the government and our international partners to mitigate the spread of COVID – 19 in Grenada”. Dr. Charles Modica, Chancellor of SGU, stated. “ Other institutions in Grenada and around the globe have implemented similar measures in recent days that limit the density of large populations to minimize spread of the virus”. SGU will re – evaluate the situation after 14 days and further decisions will be based on the circumstances in Grenada.
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