South-South Cooperation will Strengthen Beekeeping in Barbados and Dominica
In collaboration with Argentina, a project will be implemented in these countries to generate best practices for the entire beekeeping industry in the Caribbean.

San Jose, 8 July 2019 (IICA) – Representatives of the governments of Argentina, Canada and Barbados met in the latter country and pledged to assist Caribbean countries in implementing best practices related to production, trade and health in the agriculture sector, with support from specialists of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
One key element that will allow for addressing these issues is the development of a South-South cooperation project in the Caribbean region. The government of Argentina and IICA will send beekeeping experts to Barbados and Dominica in order to strengthen this industry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of those countries and producers’ associations.
Indar Weir, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security of Barbados, underscored the need to maintain and strengthen the country’s efforts in matters related to the empowerment of farmers, beekeeping, the commercialization of small ruminants and nutrition.
“Through South-South cooperation, Argentina will share lessons learned and best practices to improve Barbados’ beekeeping industry. The Institute, in turn, will seek to incorporate this valuable input into similar initiatives currently underway in the Caribbean,” remarked Beverly Best, Director of External and Institutional Relations at IICA.
The beekeeping industry can generate considerable benefits for the environment and rural livelihoods, by fostering the participation of farmer families as well as women and youth from vulnerable communities.
During the meeting, the participants also discussed other opportunities for joint work, particularly the strengthening of strategic partnerships with the European Union and Canada.
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