Key Partners Sign on as Main Sponsors of CTO’s Sustainable Tourism Conference in Grenada
BARBADOS – The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) has secured key industry partners and sponsors for the upcoming Caribbean Sustainable Tourism Conference (STC 2024), hosted by the CTO in partnership with the Grenada Tourism Authority in Grenada to be held April 22–24. Partners and sponsors for STC 2024 include LINK Strategic Partners, Little Caribbean NYC, Royal […]

Register to Participate – The Identity Leadership Workshop
Go Blu Consulting in partnership with Stedman Graham presents ‘Masterclass Leadership Series 2024’. For further information and to register please visit the following link. https://disruptiveleadershipconference.com/ Register to be part of this workshop happening at the Radisson Grenada Beach Resort on May 9, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Secure your place now and witness the […]

Customs Brokerage vs Preparing Customs Manifest Training!
Are you interested in participating in our Customs Brokerage and/or Preparing Customs Manifest trainings? If yes, please review the following to learn the difference between the two and to ensure that you are registering for the right training for you!

PRICE: $640 (VAT Inclusive) REGISTRATION & PAYMENT DEADLINE: MARCH 5, 2024 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Important Note: the number of participants that can be accepted for this training is limited! Please contact: 444-1035 OR EMAIL:training@gidc.gd if any questions or queries arise.

Emphasizing Trade, Investment & Export Development
By Lincoln DePradine As the top Grenada diplomat in Toronto, Gerry Hopkin says the office will continue to provide traditional consular services such as the issuing and renewing of passports. However, Hopkin pledges that there will be a new accented focus in the position he now holds as consul general. He’s placing a “lot of […]

Are you a small business owner in need of advice & financing?
The Eastern Caribbean Partial Credit Guarantee Corporation invites you to attend a Town Hall Meeting at the Radisson Grenada Beach Resort, Grand Anse, St. George, at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. If interested, please use the link below to register CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Programme
CALLING ALL FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS TO REGISTER FOR THE ACADEMY FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS PROGRAMME !!! REGISTRATION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 05, 2023 Program launches on November 13th, 2023. Only available to women/female entrepreneurs across Grenada, Carriacou & Petite Martinique. The selected candidates will receive intensive training to provide them with the expertise needed for launching and maintaining a successful business. PLEASE CLICK […]

Did you miss our last QUICKBOOKS training??
The next one is here…. starting October 10, 2023! DATE: October 10-12; 16-18; 23-25, 2023 (9 sessions)TIME: 5:00 pm- 7:00 pmVENUE: GIDC, Frequente Industrial Park PRICE: $600 (includes refreshment & certificate of participation)CLICK HERE TO REGISTER