The GHTA Welcomes the News of COVID-19 Vaccine Supply for Grenada

St. George, Grenada—(February 10, 2021)— The Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association Board of Directors welcome the news that our country will soon receive supplies of the COVID- 19 vaccine. If and when the vaccine is offered to our team members, GHTA encourages them to take the vaccine as we all realize the good that has happened in the world with the other vaccines. Over the decades, inoculations to protect against Polio, Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Influenza have been lifesavers and medical opinion suggests a similar benefit in regards to COVID-19 vaccines.
While neighboring island are faced with community spread, Grenada’s cases remain contained. This is due to the Ministry of Health’s dedication and continuous effort to develop and revise protocols and prioritize contact tracing and COVID- 19 testing. Despite the fluidity of the pandemic and unprecedented challenges, the Ministry of Health has risen to the occasion to mitigate the endless onslaught of public health threats. When compared to four of our close neighbors, Grenada’s 148 cases represent just 2.13% of the total number in the Eastern Caribbean region. The GHTA would like to acknowledge and commend our health officials for their commitment to Grenada’s public health safety. Ms. Arlene Friday, CEO of GHTA, states, “The MOH has the daunting task of maintaining the safety of the nation while also trying to support the economy. They should be applauded for their unrelenting effort to find solutions to reduce public safety risks. The GHTA looks forward to a strengthened partnership with the Ministry of Health to navigate the path forward for the tourism sector while maintaining the health and safety of our nation.”
The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association has worked closely with the Ministry of Health to create and re-develop health and safety protocols for the hospitality sector to support frontline hotel workers’ safety while also protecting the community. The GHTA also continues to offer infection control training and protocol support to its members. As Grenada looks to restart its tourism industry, the Association is committed to support the Ministry of Health’s vaccination campaign to ensure the safety of all frontline workers, vulnerable populations and community at large. Through a combined effort, the GHTA hopes to strengthen the Ministry of Health’s mission to balance lives while supporting livelihoods for the betterment of Grenada.
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