The Public’s Turn to Vote for CIBC FirstCaribbean Unsung Heroes Across the Region

Bridgetown, Barbados, 15, September 2020 – With close to 100 nominations received across the region, it is now your turn to help choose the FirstCaribbean Unsung Heroes in your community.
“Over the past weeks we have been very heartened by the many nominations we have received highlighting the brave and selfless work of so many across our region who have made the fight against Covid-19 and its impact, their daily mission,” said Debra King, Director of Corporate Communications, CIBC FirstCaribbean.
“As we move into the second phase of our initiative – sharing the inspiring stories of the nominees and giving the public a chance to read and vote on those entries – we hope that the public will be inspired and encouraged by the many stories we have received,” Mrs. King added.
Just over a month ago, the bank launched the regional initiative aimed at identifying those unsung heroes who have shone brightest in the darkest moments of the Covid-19 crisis.
To vote for your FirstCaribbean Unsung Heroes log on to our website, Facebook and Instagram pages.
The nominees must have been resident in any the 16 territories where the CIBC FirstCaribbean operates and have worked, volunteered or been involved in any of the award categories listed below:
- Medical personnel
- The Protective Services
- Community Heroes (individuals who by their courageous acts, strength and self-sacrifice in the service of a community, have made a difference to those persons impacted.
The public voting period ends on 26, September 2020 and winners will be announced at the end of September 2020. Winners will receive an E-Check for US$2,000 toward a staycation at a local hotel of their choice. FirstCaribbean has previously highlighted many hidden treasures in our communities who have made a difference in the lives of persons they have helped or touched in some way through its flagship Unsung Heroes programme, which concluded in 2013.
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