Three Men Charged After Two Major Drug Busts; Police Investigate Hanging at Après Toute St. David

Three Men Charged After Two Major Drug Busts
On Thursday 2nd May 2024, Officers attached to the Drug Squad conducted an operation at the home of Neil Cyrus 53 years old, Shopkeeper of Radix, St. George, led to the discovery of two (2) cardboard boxes, containing twenty blocks of cocaine. The cocaine weighed a total of 22.2 kgs and carries an estimated street value of two million two hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($2,220,000.00). He was later charged with Trafficking in a Controlled Drug.
In another operation on Thursday 2nd May 2024, officers attached to the Drug Squad intercepted a vehicle travelling along Mt. Parnassus Public Road and conducted a search, which revealed a black bag containing five blocks of cocaine. The Cocaine weighed five kilograms (5kg) and carries an estimated street value of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00). As a result, the occupants of the vehicle, Andy John 40 years old, Painter of Park Lane, St. George and Dylan Phillip, 24 years old, Painter of Bain’s Alley, St. George were jointly charged with the offence of Trafficking in a Controlled Drug.
All three men appeared at St. George’s Magistrate Court on Monday 6th May 2024. Mr. Cyrus was granted bail in the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) with two sureties.
Mr. John and Mr. Phillip were each granted bail in the sum of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) with two (2) sureties.
As part of their bail conditions, all three men are required to:
- Surrender all travel documents forthwith,
- Report to Central Police Station every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm.
- Must seek permission/consent from the court to leave the State of Grenada.
- Immediate remand if any of the conditions are violated.
The matters were all adjourned to Thursday 12th September, 2024.
Police Investigate Hanging at Après Toute St. David
On Monday 6th May 2024, following reports of a hanging, officers went to Après Toute St. David, where they observed the motionless body of a male hanging by his neck from a tree, by means of a belt. The body was identified as Jamal Felix, 24 years old, unemployed of Après Toute St. David. He was subsequently pronounced dead by a medical practitioner.
A postmortem will be conducted to determine the cause of death. Police investigations continue into the matter.
The Commissioner and members of the Royal Grenada Police Force extend sincere condolences to the loved ones of Mr. Felix.
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